Term Dates 2024:Term 1: Thursday 1st February to Friday 12th April Term 2: Monday 29th April to Friday 5th July Term 3: Monday 22nd July to Friday 27th September Term 4: Monday 14th October to Wednesday 18th December Absences The school must be notified of every absence from school. A phone call, note and now there is a Parent teacher app, the Skool Loop app is and easy way to look at the school calendar and report student absences. To download the App, please search the play store or app store for the SKOOL LOOP PARENT TEACHER CALENDAR APP. This is free to download. Ensure that if asked, you accept notifications. ( This enables the "Push" notification feature). You will be asked to select an area (Waikato) and then select our school. Remember, if using the app to report an absence you are required by law to also provide a reason for the absence, please report on the morning of the absence, that is all that is required. No child is to leave the school grounds at any time during school hours without permission. If parents need to collect their children during school hours it is important to inform the office, class or duty teacher. Cycling to School It is expected that all bikes should be roadworthy and safe. It is a legal requirement that all cyclists must wear a cycle helmet. Children need to be 9 years old and use the Willoughby Street entrance. Road safety is paramount and children are expected to be aware of the road rules. Cycles are to be walked from the road end through school grounds, and kept in the bike racks. The bike racks are out of bounds during school hours. Children should use locks when leaving their bikes in these racks. Library Books We have a well resourced library, and our stock of books is regularly added to. Classes visit the Library at least once weekly to read, and to personally select books for borrowing. Books that are lost or damaged whilst on loan will need to be replaced, and parents will be charged for this. Newsletters The school sends out newsletters weekly on Thursdays to keep parents informed on school matters. Classroom notices are also issued periodically. We welcome any contribution for our newsletters, especially items concerning present or past pupils. The newsletter is updated each week on the Skool Loop App and a file of all newsletters, and other notices, sent home is kept on the foyer table for parents, and others, reference. Medication Medication, including Panadol, required during school hours can be administered but first a consent form must be completed by a parent. Please see the office if a consent form is required. First doses of antibiotics or any medicine that the child has not had before should not be administered by the school. Please ensure medications are clearly labelled with the child’s name and the dosage required and handed in to the office. School Assembly The whole school gathers twice a week: Prayer Assembly is held just after 9am on a Monday morning. We pray, sing and hear God's Word. School Assembly is held on Fridays at 2.25pm in the library. Classes take it in turn to lead these assemblies. Lost Property Please name all items of clothing and other belongings. We try to return found items to their owners as soon as possible. |
School Day (Bell Times) Children are expected to be at school on time by 8.55am in class ready to begin learning at 9am. 9.00 am - 10.40 am: Learning Time: (Bell rings at 8.55am) 10.40 am - 11.05 am: Morning Tea 11.05 am - 12.40 pm: Learning Time 12.40 pm - 1.25 pm: Lunch 1.30 pm - 3.00pm: Learning Time School Uniform Our children wear the following uniform with pride:
Uniform can be ordered through Direct Group Uniforms here: https://dgstore.co.nz/collections/st-josephs-paeroa If for some reason correct uniform is (temporarily) unable to be worn, a note or a phone call is necessary. Children's belongings from home It is normal for children to want to bring their own toys, and such things to school. As a general rule toys are not permitted at school. Student cellphones must be handed in at the office before school and can be collected after school. Please note that teachers will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any of these items and it is the responsibility of students and parents. Money When sending money to school for whatever reason, please place it in an envelope with your child’s name, room number, amount and what it is for, clearly marked on the front. Name………… Room Name…... Amount………. What it’s for……… Homework Homework differs from class to class and normally teachers inform parents by newsletter concerning the amount of time children are expected to do homework. In general all homework is related to current class programmes. From Year 1 through to Year 8 a vital part of the children’s homework is Reading (Reading to Mum or Dad in the first years, then reading to themselves (recreational reading) as they get older). Other homework may include such things as spelling, RE, completion of unfinished class work, projects or weekly homework sheets. Children would normally need to spend from 10-15 minutes per week night at Year 1 & 2 through to up to an hour Monday through to Thursday at Year 7 & 8 level. Parents are asked to make sure that this work is completed as set. A written note is appreciated when your child has not been able to complete his/her homework. Reporting to parents Our school uses Digital Portfolios through Educa. Through this platform teachers and children share learning journeys for parents to view and interact. There are two conferences per year, a goal setting one in Term 1 and a second conference in Term 3. Two written reports are sent home during the year, in Term 2 and Term 4. Parents are always welcome to discuss children's progress at any time but please make an appointment with your classroom teacher to do so. Teacher's are very busy people especially first thing in the morning with setting up lessons and settling children, so appointments should be arranged for discussions other than quick informal chats. |