School Visits for Preschoolers preparing for school We recognise that everyone is different and we want to make the transition to school a smooth one for our tamariki and their whānau. We tailor programmes to transition new children to our school.
Note: All visiting 4 year olds must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver during their visit. Enrolment Process Enrolment forms are available from the office and are to be completed before a child starts school. New Entrants enrolments require a birth certificate and an immunisation certificate (from child’s doctor). Please bring these to the office along with your completed enrolment forms. |
Attendance Dues: We have many options to support families and money should never prevent our learners in getting the education they deserve. If at any time the attendance dues or activity fees are an issue, our principal, Emalene Cull can assist. Any inquiries will be kept confidential. Attendance Dues for the Catholic Schools in the Hamilton Diocese are $496.00 (incl GST) per year, (i.e. $124 per term or $9.54 per week) plus an optional $50 Catholic Character donation. This is payable to the Catholic Diocese of Hamilton (it is not through our school). These forms will be included in your child's enrolment pack. You can either pay the full amount or set up an automatic payment of $9.54 per week for 52 weeks. Assistance is available for families to help with paying Attendance Dues and the application process for this is simple and confidential. Please contact our school office for more information about full or partial rebates. View our Prospectus here |
Preference of Enrolment at St Joseph's Preference enrolments describe a Catholic connection to the child enrolling and their family. There are different levels of preference enrolment as follows:
Non-Preference Enrolments at St Joseph's At St Joseph's Catholic School, up to 8 children with non-preference status may be on the school roll at any time, so spaces are limited. If there are no non-preference positions at our school, parents are able to place their child's name on a waiting list. Children will be offered placement as vacancies occur in accordance with the following guidelines: 1) siblings of existing non-preference students 2) students living within our parish boundary 3) children of staff members 4) students living outside our parish boundary The date on which names are placed on the waiting list will define the priority within each of the above criteria. School UniformUniform can be purchased via Direct Group at our school's online shop here. |